OLAF report: We remain the first to defraud European funds

publicat 2024-06-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)

*With 16 investigations opened by OLAF last year in our country, Romania ranks first in the fraud of European funds *11 cases regarding the fraud of European funds in Romania were sent by OLAF to the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office led by Laura Codruta Kovesi *OLAF requested the recovery of 15 million euros defrauded through IT projects in Romania *Ernesto Bianchi, head of the Department of Customs and Commercial Fraud, Tobacco, counterfeiting of goods, structural and agricultural funds, within OLAF: 'We discovered that a large part of the money allocated for the IT project was spend via bank transfer for trips to various exotic locations, tourist resorts, participation of individuals in various major global or European sporting events and for other related activities'

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