Duplicity: Romania is in no hurry to apply EU sanctions against Russia

publicat 2024-10-16 12:00:02 (Bursa)

Duplicity: Romania is in no hurry to apply EU sanctions against Russia More than 30 months after the aggression illegally launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Government and the Parliament in Bucharest still do not have the necessary legislation - with a small exception regarding the powers of the Ministry of Finance and ANAF - to implement the 14 sanctions packages adopted by The European Union to the Kremlin. In other words, the representatives of our country voted with both hands in Brussels for the 14 packages of economic and financial sanctions, but when it came to implementation it was found that we are dealing with Ion Creanga and #39;s saying from the Harap-Alb fairy tale: ' to pies forward, to war back'.

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