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BURSELE LUMII Pietele europene, in urcare

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
BURSELE LUMII Pietele europene, in urcare Bursele din Europa au crescut usor ieri, in pofida incertitudinilor legate de viitorul dobanzilor. ...continuare.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu wants to hire 4,500 doctors

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu wants to hire 4,500 doctors The Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Finance will start the steps to unlock 4500 positions in the sanitary-medical units in the territory, for resident doctors who passed the exam at the end of last year, the Prime Minister said yesterday, at the beginning of the government meeting Marcel Ciolacu. ...continuare.

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu doreste angajarea a 4500 de medici

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Premierul Marcel Ciolacu doreste angajarea a 4500 de medici Ministerul Sanatatii impreuna cu Ministerul Dezvoltarii si cu Ministerul Finantelor vor incepe demersurile pentru deblocarea a 4500 de posturi in unitatile sanitar-medicale din teritoriu, pentru medicii rezidenti care au promovat examenul la sfarsitul anului trecut, a declarat ieri, la inceputul sedintei de guvern, premierul Marcel Ciolacu. ...continuare.

CBOE: 'The launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs paves the way for investments by pension funds'

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
CBOE: 'The launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs paves the way for investments by pension funds' * John Palmer, President of CBOE Digital: 'Bitcoin-backed derivative products will expand significantly with the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs' ...continuare.

National courts - the only ones competent to judge disputes initiated by former managers of state-owned companies

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
National courts - the only ones competent to judge disputes initiated by former managers of state-owned companies The disputes resulting from the mandate contracts concluded by the Romanian state companies must be resolved in the country, said yesterday, at the end of the government meeting, Alina Gorghiu, the Minister of Justice. ...continuare.

Instantele nationale - singurele competente sa judece litigiile declansate de fostii manageri ai companiilor de stat

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Instantele nationale - singurele competente sa judece litigiile declansate de fostii manageri ai companiilor de stat Litigiile ce rezulta din contractele de mandat incheiate de companiile de stat din Romania trebuie solutionate in tara, a declarat ieri, la finalul sedintei de guvern, Alina Gorghiu, ministrul Justitiei. ...continuare.

CBOE: 'Lansarea ETF-urilor pe Bitcoin spot deschide calea investitiilor din partea fondurilor de pensii'

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
CBOE: 'Lansarea ETF-urilor pe Bitcoin spot deschide calea investitiilor din partea fondurilor de pensii' * John Palmer, presedintele CBOE Digital: 'Produsele derivate cu activ suport Bitcoin se vor extinde semnificativ, odata cu aprobarea unor ETF-uri pe Bitcoin spot' ...continuare.

Rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, at a snail and #39;s pace

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, at a snail and #39;s pace *CFR received on December 31, 2023 zero kilometers of railway on which you can travel at a maximum of 160 kilometers per hour, although at the beginning of last year Minister Grindeanu stated that 100 kilometers would be completed ...continuare.

Reabilitarea infrastructurii feroviare, in ritm de melc

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Reabilitarea infrastructurii feroviare, in ritm de melc *CFR a receptionat la 31 decembrie 2023 zero kilometri de cale ferata pe care se poate circula cu maxim 160 kilometri pe ora, desi la inceputul anului trecut ministrul Grindeanu afirma ca vor fi realizati 100 de kilometri ...continuare.

Forest Contributions: Romsilva Gains 35 Million Lei from Forest Activities

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Forest Contributions: Romsilva Gains 35 Million Lei from Forest Activities Forests are often referred to as treasures, and this holds true from various perspectives, including the financial one. ...continuare.

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