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National security, Donald Trump and #39;s argument for the US taking over Greenland and the Panama Canal

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
National security, Donald Trump and #39;s argument for the US taking over Greenland and the Panama Canal Strengthening national security and the economy are the main arguments invoked by President-elect Donald Trump, in a press conference held at the Mar-a-Lago residence, for bringing Greenland and the Panama Canal under US control, according to the BBC. ...continuare.

Germania si Franta avertizeaza: Trump nu poate folosi forta pentru a prelua Groenlanda

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Germania si Franta avertizeaza: Trump nu poate folosi forta pentru a prelua Groenlanda Intentiile de extindere teritoriala ale lui Donald Trump au fost intampinate cu scepticism si ironie pe scena internationala. Germania si Franta au lansat avertismente ferme catre presedintele ales al SUA, Donald Trump, in urma declaratiilor acestuia privind posibila utilizare a fortei militare sau a tarifelor economice pentru a prelua controlul asupra Groenlandei, teritoriu administrat de Danemarca. ...continuare.

Germany and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Germany and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland Donald Trump and #39;s territorial expansionist ambitions have been met with skepticism and derision on the international stage. Germany and France have issued strong warnings to US President-elect Donald Trump after he suggested he could use military force or economic tariffs to seize control of the Danish-administered territory of Greenland. ...continuare.

Fake-news in domeniul hidrotehnic; Ministrii Energiei si Mediului au sesizat DIICOT

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Fake-news  in domeniul hidrotehnic; Ministrii Energiei si Mediului au sesizat DIICOT Mircea Fechet - ministrul Mediului, Apelor si Padurilor - si Sebastian Burduja - ministrul Energiei au sesizat Directia de Investigare a Infractiunilor de Criminalitate Organizata si Terorism (DIICOT) impotriva unor persoane care au diseminat in mod intentionat informatii false, prin canale de presa online si retele sociale, referitoare la presupusa demolare a barajelor din Romania, se arata intr-un comunicat de presa, publicat ieri pe site-urile celor doua ministere. ...continuare.

Fake news in the hydrotechnical field: the ministers of Energy and Environment have notified DIICOT

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Fake news in the hydrotechnical field: the ministers of Energy and Environment have notified DIICOT Mircea Fechet - Minister of Environment, Water and Forests - and Sebastian Burduja - Minister of Energy have notified the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) against individuals who intentionally disseminated false information, through online media channels and social networks, regarding the alleged demolition of dams in Romania, according to a press release published yesterday on the websites of the two ministries. ...continuare.

Securitatea europeana - tema principala a presedintiei poloneze a Consiliului UE

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Securitatea europeana - tema principala a presedintiei poloneze a Consiliului UE In contextul unei Europe marcate de tensiuni globale si crize interne, tema prinicipala a Poloniei pentru presedintia rotativa a Consiliului European, presedintie pe care a preluat-o la 1 ianuarie 2025 de la Ungaria si o va exercita pana la 1 iulie 2025, este securitatea Uniunii Europene, a afirmat Agnieszka Bartol, ambasadoare si sefa a Reprezentantei Permanente a Poloniei la UE, intr-un interviu acordat publicatiei The Parliament. ...continuare.

European security - the main theme of the Polish presidency of the Council of the EU

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
European security - the main theme of the Polish presidency of the Council of the EU In the context of a Europe marked by global tensions and internal crises, Poland and #39;s main theme for the rotating presidency of the European Council, which it took over from Hungary on 1 January 2025 and will exercise until 1 July 2025, is the security of the European Union, said Agnieszka Bartol, Ambassador and Head of the Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU, in an interview with The Parliament. With the war in Ukraine and other regional challenges in the background, Poland... ...continuare.

De ce 2025 poate sa fie anul asa-numitelor 'altcoin-uri'?

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
De ce 2025 poate sa fie anul asa-numitelor 'altcoin-uri'? * Andrew Baehr, CoinDesk: 'Mai multe proiecte cripto vor aparea in Statele Unite, in conditiile in care piata se asteapta ca SEC sa faca pasi in spate' * Citi: 'Bitcoin este clasificat drept marfa si are deja ETF-uri spot si contracte futures, in vreme ce definitia altor active cripto este mai neclara' ...continuare.

Why 2025 could be the year of the so-called 'altcoins'?

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Why 2025 could be the year of the so-called 'altcoins'? * Andrew Baehr, CoinDesk: 'More crypto projects will emerge in the United States as the market expects the SEC to take a step back' * Citi: 'Bitcoin is classified as a commodity and already has spot ETFs and futures contracts, while the definition of other crypto assets is more unclear' ...continuare.

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